Vijay Kumar Singhal -Founder and Technical Head

Founder and Technical Head Mr. Vijay Kumar Singhal is the brains behind Novelty Arts and Krafts, whose initiative and passion to explore a new avenue made this venture possible. He has years of experience and deep knowledge of the industry which makes valuable guidance is our most treasured asset. His zeal and vigour are a source of insipiration for all of us, motivating us to strive and succeed.

Mriidul Singhal – Administrative Head

The go-to person for all the things in Novelty Art and krafts, Mriidul looks after all the aspects of the business from production to finances. He is our one-man army who handles each and every detail concerning the business, be it dealing with the clients or assuring that everything runs smoothly at the workplace. He is an all-in-one package- the one stop solution to all our problems and requirement. His sincerity and dedication towards his work makes him indispensable for us.

Nandana Agarwal – Marketing Head

Nandana is the youngest and the most endearing person in our team. Her vivacity and enthusiasm are a constant source of delight. She is the voice of our brand and takes care of all our marketing and promotional activities including all our social media handles. Her hard-work and efforts have contributed significantly towards the growth and reach of Novelty Art and krafts. She harbours immense love for the brand which is reflected in her work, making her an integral part of the team.